Ceramic 3D Print


(Amanda and Ri) object                (Siwon, Adam, and Erica) object

This week in the class we tried to combine my group's (Siwon, Adam, and Erica) object with other group's (Amanda and Ri) object together. To brainstorm ideas we each sketched our ideas. To be able to print with ceramic we need to make sure we blend every object close together. My group's (Siwon, Adam, and Erica) object had a ring around and other group's (Amanda and Ri) object had a very sharp point and we had to make some changes to our design to be able to print it well so we placed the ring on the ground and we made pointy part around the bottom area of to object to blend to sharp points. We put all together using Rino6 and tested using Slic3r before we actually print using the ceramic 3D printer. The printing only took about 20mins and the result was successful. 


Slic3r Test

Ceramic 3D Print

Final look!!


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